Thursday, December 9, 2010

Here are two from Songs

 American Gothic in Vermont
(2008, Day 1)

Technically, Champlain is a sea whereas
the Caspian just a lake.

Wandering in the whiteness it envelops me.
I have waited for these icebergs to be real.

I have waited for cold night quiet under stars
where we are left together alone; just me
and the twinkling ones.

The name of the band that lifted me from waters to sand
flying while jogging there,

is your name.

The name of the songs the Teiko drummers pound through
my chest while sitting here,
is your name.

Under the burgeoning grey,
I see the promise in blue cut sky.

Sat Nam.
Truth is my Identity.

But, I do not know what truth is, or which truth to choose.

I have waited to wake up outside where,
the great wash rides over me.

Whether sea or snow its all the same.

The gutter has offered me its last pearl,
and I accept its anagrams.

Valkyrie I
(Carmel Beach onlooking Big Sur 1996)

Pity the ocean did not accept



The image of dogs

running out to sea.

This penance





Mercy on the frailty

of tiny birds.

Crows who cannot fly.

The vision of cats preening

in the winter’s sun.


slowly upward, the gaze

of the ocean punishing

that rock

with its salty hands.

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